Massie Block

Fc: Daveigh Chase 

Do I really need a description? 😉

Alicia Rivera

My beta.

No, one of my best friends. We’ve had several falling-outs and struggles for “the crown” during our Sophomore year of high school (and before). As the year ends I feel we’ve finally overcome all the negativity and can move on. I was going to miss Alicia because she was going to Spain for the summer, but things changed. Now, we’ll both have to adjust to what’s coming. I hope our friendship can survive.

Dylan Marvil

Dylan was my goofy, excitable, and sometimes loose-lipped friend. However, she’s become more reserved over the past year. A person’s struggles can really change them. I know that the goofball everyone loves is still there, but I think she just needs more time. Either way I’ll be there for her. Hopefully the summer will give her time to recuperate.

Kristen Gregory

Poor Kristen Gregory – no, not literally! She’s working nearly full-time this summer! Kristen is all about stability: regular work hours, a steady paycheck, and a consistent friend group. The past year was excessively stressful for her because it was anything but stable. I want to be a better, more consistent friend for her.

Claire Lyons

The darling Claire-bear. Nobody warms my heart like this girl. She keeps herself above the drama, and I’d argue she’s subtlety the most confident amongst the PC. She’s going to be in Florida for most of the summer. I know she moved over four years ago, but I’m still a little scared she won’t come back.